Balls, Birds and Bad Ponies


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Marvin is pleased to report the snow on his farm is nearly gone, thus revealing his long-lost blue ball. He really wanted me to name this entry Blue Ball Season, but I told him the title hit an odd tone for the blog, so we agreed on the above.

The messy, shitty, smelly starlings are sorting out where they want to put their stupid nests. Their real estate agent was around a couple of months ago checking the barns’ cracks and holes ensuring there were enough available apartments for the expecting bird couples and their extended families. We bought a few plastic owls as deterrents and probably find them more frightening than the birds do.

A couple of last year’s many, many baby shitters.

The messy, shitty, smelly starlings might not have a barn to call home anyway if Rocky and Cricket don’t stop destroying things. The other night, Rocky, who has a penchant for banging his feed bucket against his stall gate, had broken BOTH the bucket’s double-ended clip’s spring-loaded thumb pushy-downy do-hickeys. 

And one morning last week, when I tried sliding Cricket’s stall door to let him out for the day, it stopped opening at about a squidge (official measurement). Me, being me, pushed as hard as I could and the entire assembly came off in my hands. That’s the door, which is homemade and SOLID, attached to a metre or more of metal channel track swinging wildly above me. 

Meanwhile, as I was figuring out how not to die by way of door, Cricket was doing his damndest to bolt his little furry frame through the squidgy-sized gap. “WANT OUTSIDE.” Aptly named, he can flatten himself to fit into the tiniest of crevices, so he managed to ram himself through and scurry out the back door.

The problematic double-ended clip with no thumb pushy-downy do-hickeys.

At least then I only had to worry about my own demise. 

Except Rocky in the stall next door told me, “WANT OUTSIDE TOO!!

I told him I couldn’t figure out what to do with this unwieldy, heavy – and, to my mind, deadly – thing without it all landing on my head.

Then Bubbles (the third pony – of course) came back in the barn to see what the commotion was about. She heard the panic in my voice, quickly turned on her pretty little pony heels and scooted back from whence she came.

Finally, I was able to prop up everything relatively safely. I let Rocky out. He galloped as fast as he could down the aisle and blasted out to tell the other horses how incompetent I am.

I guess what happened was Cricket, who was bored the day before because it was stormy and I kept them in the barn, pushed on his door hard enough the brackets holding it to the slider track popped off.


Anyway, everything’s fixed now. Nobody died or is even concussed. The birds are pooping and Marvin has his blue ball.


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Nicole Kitchener

Nicole Kitchener

Hey! I am a freelance writer/photographer from Prince Edward Island, Canada. I specialize in creating content about horses and rural life and, now, with the inception of this lifestyle blog, will chat about what goes on here at my Get-Away Farm. With eight horses, an aged mutt, three cats, a husband and a host of other characters, there's never a shortage of stuff to share.

4 thoughts on “Balls, Birds and Bad Ponies”

  1. Hi Nicole — I’m still chuckling!! This is a great episode about life in your neck of the woods. Never a dull moment for sure with all the characters at Get-Away. Happy Spring (sort of) from Deena.

  2. This is gold. Thank you. I’m debating whether I read it to my mum – and possibly having to explain about blue balls. I think I’ll just skip over that part lol!

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